Saturday, November 5, 2016

Look Around! Look around at how Lucky We are to be Alive Right Now

This hymn really describes what I'm experiencing right now.

1. If you could hie to Kolob
  1. In the twinkling of an eye,
    And then continue onward
    With that same speed to fly,
    Do you think that you could ever,
    Through all eternity,
    Find out the generation
    Where Gods began to be?
  2. 2. Or see the grand beginning,
    Where space did not extend?
    Or view the last creation,
    Where Gods and matter end?
    Methinks the Spirit whispers,
    "No man has found 'pure space,'
    Nor seen the outside curtains,
    Where nothing has a place."
  3. 3. The works of God continue,
    And worlds and lives abound;
    Improvement and progression
    Have one eternal round.
    There is no end to matter;
    There is no end to space;
    There is no end to spirit;
    There is no end to race.
  4. 4. There is no end to virtue;
    There is no end to might;
    There is no end to wisdom;
    There is no end to light.
    There is no end to union;
    There is no end to youth;
    There is no end to priesthood;
    There is no end to truth.
  5. 5. There is no end to glory;
    There is no end to love;
    There is no end to being;
    There is no death above.
    There is no end to glory;
    There is no end to love;
    There is no end to being;
    There is no death above.
  6. Text: William W. Phelps, 1792-1872
Guys. This piece of rock that we live on is SO RAD. Infinite. Eternal. A testament of Christ's power. Of God's existence. Of his love for us. HOW CAN YOU DENY THE EXISTENCE OF A GOD WHEN YOU LOOK OUT AT THIS WORLD. HOW. God is so good. God is infinite. His love is eternal. Christ's atonement is redeeming. His love saves us. God loves you. He loves me. 

Look around. Look around. At how lucky we are to be alive right now :). 



  1. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I do recommend using '?' and '!' whenever needed to convey emotion, instead of just using a period. I LOVE this, Savannah. Each picture is well done and gorgeous. I love them all. The hymn is my favorite ever and I feel the Spirit the most intensely during this hymn over any other. Thank you for this Savannah. <3

  2. If you took all these photos, I'm sorry I didn't give you that camera sooner. Lovely...lovely job, lovely like the young woman who took them and who saw their correlation to the song. Go Savi!
