Sunday, November 13, 2016

Empathy towards Christ

*Please note that the question at the end of the post is open to interpretation. This post is different from my other ones where I give my answer (I'm trying to get away from that), but I want you go ponder the answer for yourself.*

*Another note. Go look up pictures of this world. Some of my own can be found on my Instagram (savannahlorcher) or here. Christ is our King. Our triumphant Savior. Ponder these principles as you look at this pictures of our universe. It is humbling.*

Hey guys. Let's talk about this depiction of Christ  for a minute. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I often see this 
painting. A picture of Jesus Christ looking serene. Calm. Peaceful. Filled with the Holy Ghost. Rarely do we see a picture of Christ smiling. But I love it. From what I've learned through my personal studies and prayers, Christ is a joyful being. Because Christ was born, we can experience great joy. "Joy to the World! The Lord is come. Let Earth receive her King." Get it now? Let Earth receive her King.

 HELLOOOO. That is our galaxy (part of it, anyways). YOU BELONG TO THAT. Take a deep breath. Christ is our king. Christ made that. He made this awesome piece of rock that we live on. He made this galaxy. He made thousands more. We have no idea how infinite his power is. All we know is that he is our King. He is our Savior. He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for us. He died on a cross, crucified for you. For me. For all of humanity. And three days later, he rose a triumphant victor over death. So we may be victors as well. 

  1. 1. He is risen! He is risen!
    Tell it out with joyful voice.
    He has burst his three days' prison;
    Let the whole wide earth rejoice.
    Death is conquered; man is free.
    Christ has won the victory.
  2. 2. Come with high and holy hymning;
    Chant our Lord's triumphant lay.
    Not one darksome cloud is dimming
    Yonder glorious morning ray,
    Breaking o'er the purple east,
    Symbol of our Easter feast.
  3. 3. He is risen! He is risen!
    He hath opened heaven's gate.
    We are free from sin's dark prison,
    Risen to a holier state.
    And a brighter Easter beam
    On our longing eyes shall stream.
    (Hymn number 199 in the English LDS Hymn book)

    Deuteronomy 6:5
    Moroni 10:32
    Matthew 5:43-44 (keep in mind Mosiah 2:17)
    John 3:16
    John 15:13
    John 21:15-17
    1 John 4:7-21
    Alma 5:26
    Moroni 7:47
    Moroni 8:16

    So my question for you today is, why don't we show empathy for Christ? 

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