The Strenuous Life by Theodore Roosevelt was given by Teddy on his first campaign trail. Teddy was very much known as a boisterous, adventurous, jolly, strong leader and person. Teddy grew up as a sickly boy with asthma and caught sicknesses easily. His father enrolled him in wrestling to build his immune system and defend himself from bullies. He learned to live the strenuous life, and wrote about it. You can find Teddy's speech
here. I didn't read the entire speech as it was an assignment for school, but the theme is the same, and I wanted to present my thoughts on it. Here we go :).
Failing is hard, it takes a toll on your pride. You're embarrassed and for me, some of my motivation to accomplish my goal withers away. But never trying to succeed is even worse; in doing so, you are disrespecting the American Dream. The American Dream was born from the founding fathers living that dream, following their passions, fighting for their beliefs, living the life they want. Not trying to succeed is disrespecting that dream and sacrifice.
Success takes effort. In
everything. Relationships, education, physical health and strength, spiritual health, and career success. Success will require effort. Sacrifice. And I think that's what people are scared of. Wasted effort. But, success is worth it.
Build on the foundation those before you have built, use the opportunities they have provided you. Otherwise you are wasting their effort and proving you do not deserve it. Every generation should get better.
A life of ease is not satisfactory! Never has been, never will be. Humans are made to thrive. Ya don't thrive by sitting around watching TV all day. Work. Life the strenuous life.
Happiness comes from pursuing happiness. pursuing the ways of the Lord brings happiness. The satisfaction is not in the end of the run, but in running well. Humans naturally go right on to the next thing-as soon as one project is finished, we jump to the next. In pursuing the ways of the Lord, we find peace as we endure to the end.
High mindedness brings happiness; education, adventure, and praise worthy dreams and goals will attract other high minded people and they will support you.
"Dare mighty things. Win glorious triumphs, checkered by failure".
Doing things in spite of the pain shows character.
Each generation has its own duties. I want to warn those who shrink from it. We cannot avoid meeting great issues. Our generation is fit to solve them, so do it.
If we really are a great people (talking about the American population), we must strive to play a roll in the world.
We will not always solve problems right, but we cannot abandon them to solve themselves because then they will be solved in a way we don't like.
The over civilized man is not a true American; Americans are wild at heart. Wild dreams. Wild goals. Wild expectations. Their lives should lead to riveting college essays.
Having too rigid of a government, society, and people saps a nation's strength. If we all learn from other countries, we can create an ideal environment for our people.
Ideals are just as important as working hard. If you're working hard, but don't know what your ideals are, what's the point?
"Our ancestors leave echoes of glory, but they also leave a legacy of duty".
Be glad for the opportunity to work and be successful! It may not seem like it, but it's a blessing.
"With self respect, let us face challenges with proper seriousness, courage and high resolve, highest order of integrity and ability. We must hold a rigid accountability to ourselves and others".
Weak people in character do not deserve the freedom and opportunity America offers.
Just because Americans have been given freedoms and privileges does not mean we can abuse them and avoid the strenuous life.
Based on my thoughts, I would love to hear your own :). Keep it rad.
P.S. I have at least 4 drafts on this blog. Hehe. You can expect more posts coming soon.